Run via Commandline

Using the Compiler with Windows Command Prompt

This method is the traditional way to use the compiler.

For an even easier time, see how to Run via GUI (graphical user interface). If using that method, you can safely skip this page and the upcoming Compile and Decompile sections.


Command Prompt

If you tried to run AtlusScriptCompiler like a typical .EXE, the program would appear to quickly open and close without doing anything. That's because commandline programs must be run from the Windows Command Prompt, which we will shortened as "CMD" from here on out.

  1. Press Windows Key + R and type cmd.

  2. Press Enter.

  3. Drag AtlusScriptCompiler.exe onto the CMD window, OR Type the full path to the program in the CMD. Wrap it in quotes in case any folder names contain spaces.

  4. Press Enter.

Your CMD window should look like this:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.120]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


At this point, the program should just spit out a list of arguments to use.


Arguments are the commands that commandline programs take as user input. You can type them after path to the program you're executing to tell it what to do.

For instance, to Decompile a Persona 5 .BF script, you'd type:

C:\Users\Username>"C:\Path\To\AtlusScriptCompiler.exe" "C:\Path\To\" -Decompile -Library P5 -Encoding P5 -Out "C:\Path\To\output.flow"

By now, you know that AtlusScriptCompiler can compile .FLOW and .MSG files, and decompile .BF and .BMD files. You're also acquainted with how to start the program. If not, start from Intro to Scripting.

To learn what each argument means, and which to use in different scenarios, keep reading.


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